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Hostede løsninger

Hosting er også Cloud Computing. Hosting betyder typisk, at enkelte centrale elementer og tjenester flyttes til -, afvikles og driftes i centrale datacentre.

Det kan eksempelvis være sikkerhedskopiering, mail, spamfiltrering, webshop og firewall. Du bevare friheden til at arbejde med tjenesterne når, hvor og hvornår du vil, men slipper for at anskaffe, drifte og vedligeholde egne faciliteter til afvikling af dem. Vi hjælper dig med at finde den rigtige løsning, og lærer dig at bruge den.



IT-hosting giver virksomheder en sikker og pålidelig platform til at opbevare og administrere deres data.

Vores hostingtjenester hostes i centrale datacentre med avancerede backup-systemer, hvilket giver tryghed for vores kunder.


Vi leverer en række hostingløsninger, herunder e-mail, hjemmeside, firewall, spamfiltrering, webshop, domæne, SMS-gateway og serverhosting.


Alle vores hostingløsninger er skræddersyet til at imødekomme hver enkelt kundes specifikke behov.


Vores hostingløsninger kommer med en række funktioner og fordele, herunder maksimal oppetid og skalerbarhed, hvilket gør dem ideelle til virksomheder af enhver størrelse.


Vi hjælper dig med at finde den rigtige løsning og lærer dig at bruge den.

Office 365 Backup

Office 365 Backup

Companies are moving to the cloud on a large scale, and it is no longer a question of if, but when and how. As you read this you might be thinking "Shouldn't Microsoft take care of Office 365 backup?" Microsoft assumes responsibility for the online service being available, while it is the customer's own responsibility to manage and protect business-critical data.

Virtual Server

Virtual Server

If your company has special needs that cannot be met by standardized products, e.g. the possibility of running several or larger websites on the same server, the solution may be an expensive dedicated server. Or maybe you are considering acquiring and placing a server in the house. These are two solutions that can be extremely costly, and perhaps in many cases "shooting house sparrows with guns". With a Virtual Server, the company gets the best of both worlds.

SMS Gateway 1919

SMS Gateway 1919

You are probably familiar with SMS polls from television, radio or bus advertisements. You yourself may have participated in programs where you could win something, buy a product or sign up for a service by sending a text message. We provide an SMS service that you can use for marketing and other things using SMS. NOTE! The regulation of mobile content and payment services is described at



In line with an increasing focus on security, several companies choose to change their firewall to a "Next Generation Firewall" from the manufacturer Fortinet. Fortinet are still relatively unknown in Denmark, but on the world market they have quickly won recognition for their innovative products, reasonable prices and unrivaled performance. Regardless of whether you choose the smallest or largest model, you get exactly the same web interface, the same features and an unlimited number of users

Domain hosting

Domain hosting

Register your own domain and reap all the benefits of appearing with a domain that is linked to you or your company and that no one else can use. We help you find the most suitable one, regardless of whether you want .dk, .com, .net or one of the other top domains. We host the domain and manage dns so that the domain points to the locations you want.

SSL certifikat

SSL certifikat

If you are serious about your online business, you need an SSL certificate. It's the best way to secure user data and protect against identity theft. Many potential customers will refuse to shop on a website that does not have an SSL certificate. When you display the SSL certificate, you send a signal that customers can shop with peace of mind because they are protected. Different types of certificates provide different levels of validation. We help you with the right certificate and everyth



WebShopping has become almost as popular as traditional shopping. The advantages are obvious and well-documented, both in relation to the customers and the stores. Customers experience a very flexible approach to the goods they are looking for, which are also often cheaper than in the physical store. The stores reach out to a wider and more well-defined customer group. In addition, they avoid too many administrative tasks that are automated.



A mail hotel is an alternative for companies that do not need the possibilities that Exchange Online offers. With a professional email solution, your company domain can be included as part of your email addresses. It sends a more professional signal to your customers and other mail recipients. With a mail hotel, you have a cost-effective and efficient solution that supports an unlimited number of email addresses.



Hosted Spamfilter is a heuristically based spam filter that, using a Bayesian filter, continuously assesses the probability that an incoming email can be characterized as spam, malware, spear phishing or the like. Thus, all unwanted mail will be sorted out and placed in a quarantine area that can be administered 100% by the user himself.

Payment solution

Payment solution

The payment system allows you to receive credit card payments on webshops and the like. Payments are validated and approved at Nets or Clearhouse, and therefore meet all security requirements. In order to be able to use solutions, an agreement must also be entered into with Nets or Clearhouse.

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